All Categories > Packages
Canceling Requests. If you would like to cancel a request such as a photo request, express processing, consolidation, etc., you can do that yourself from your Blackship Account. Just go to your pendi…
Updated 3 years ago
While Blackship is generally designed to receive packages from within Japan only, we can accept packages from overseas if they do not attract customs charges. We can also still receive the package an…
Updated 3 months ago
What does "Package contains one or more prohibited items." mean? After shipping a package, you may receive the following message: "The package(s) have been returned to your mailbox for the following…
Updated 2 years ago
You do not need to tell Blackship a package is coming beforehand. We use mailbox numbers (starting with K) to differentiate customers, so there is no need to alert Blackship beforehand about any pack…
Packages that arrive with us are first queued to be received into mailboxes, they are not immediately processed. Depending on the number of packages arriving the processing time until packages appear…