Package contains one or more prohibited items.

What does "Package contains one or more prohibited items." mean?

After shipping a package, you may receive the following message:

"The package(s) have been returned to your mailbox for the following reason:

  • The package contains one or more prohibited items.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by replying to this email."


This message is due to a/some of the items inside your package are prohibited with some of the shipping couriers selection.

Here are some of the common problems:

Problematic Items

Shipping Courier




The US only, can ship with FedEx if paperwork is included



The US only, can ship with FedEx if paperwork is included

Clock / Watch


The US only, can ship with FedEx if paperwork is included

Snacks / Food


Beauty Products


Liquid items like lotion


Beauty products containing ethanol


can ship if SDS is included


Japan Post, DHL

can ship if SDS is included

Precious Metal (Silver, Gold, Diamond, etc)

Japan Post, FedEx

Our team tries to be careful during repacking since the above items are some common reason why the package might get caught in custom and cause delay or might cause your package gets returned to Japan.

For more information, check our prohibited items article.

What to do after receiving this message

You can make the shipping request again using another shipping method, and the shipment request should go through with no issue. 


Another option is to:

  • Provide the required paperwork / SDS document so we can still ship all items with your desired shipping courier. 
  • Dispose of the "prohibited items" to ship with the selected shipping courier.
  • Let us split the "prohibited items" into another box so you can ship the rest with the selected shipping courier.

Please consult with us to if you need more information.

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