Can I undervalue my items? Can I mark them as gift?

Can I undervalue my items?

Blackship gives you full control over your customs declarations, including the ability to adjust the declared value of your items.

However, please be aware that if you choose to undervalue your items:

- Your customs authority may disagree with the declared value and determine their own commercial or retail value.

- Your customs authority may impose a significant fine if you declare a lower value for your items.

- In the event of loss or damage, incorrect or undervalued information may result in the denial of your insurance claim.

- Additionally, claims are limited to the declared amount, which may not reflect the item's original value if it was undervalued.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your customs declarations comply with the laws and regulations of your country. You are required to make sure that all declarations are accurate and legal.

Can I mark my package as gift?

Yes, we can mark packages as “Gift”. You can set the type of the package (whether to mark them as "merchandise", or as "gift") by yourself.

Please check this article for more information about our customs declaration system:

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