Are there additional fees for handling oversized items (furniture, car parts, etc)?

We can assist with purchasing oversized items but they may require a special repacking fee depending on how they arrive at our warehouse. If the seller ships the item in a box that is fit for international shipment, then no additional fee will apply. However, if we need to create or order custom boxes or perform special packing, there may be an extra charge for the service.

When purchasing furniture, large car parts, or other unusually shaped items we recommend allowing 4000 yen in your budget for repacking to be safe. Please also be sure to always estimate your international shipping costs in advance with our shipping calculator. Size, in particular, can have a big impact on the price of shipping to you for these items.

To help you estimate the repacking fee, here is a table of the most common oversized items we handle and the associated repacking fee if the item does not arrive with sufficient packing for international shipment:

Item type

Example items

Repacking fee estimate

Large Motorbike Parts

Frame, Fairings

5000-8000 yen

Extra Large Car Parts

Bumpers, Car Hoods, Car Roofs, Windscreen

4000-8000 yen

Large Audio Equipment

Floor speakers, Amps

4000-8000 yen

Large LCD TV or CRT Monitor

4000 yen

Large Artwork/Life-size Pop Stands

Pop Stand, Lifesize Panel

8000 yen

Fishing Rods

4000 yen

Pachinko Machines

4000 yen


4000-6000 yen

Large Airsoft Guns

Sniper Rifle, AK

4000 yen (in addition to any gun-handling fees)

Large Car Parts

Car Door, Skirting, Window, Car Seat

8000 yen

Large Furniture

Kotatsu, Table, Sofa, Bed Frame

8000-16000 yen

Large Music Instrument

Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Koto etc.

4000-6000 yen

Please note that these estimates don't include shipping material costs.

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